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时间:2021-07-19 22:59:44 标签:

1: advice of collection   托收通知
2: air waybill   空运单
3: application for exchange allocation   调汇申请
4: application for goods control certificate   货物监管证书申请表
5: application for inspection certificate   商品检验申请表
6: application for phytosanitary certificate   植物检疫申请表
7: arrival notice(goods)   货物到达通知
8: ATA carnt   暂准进口海关文件
9: banker's draft   银行汇票
10: bill of exchange   汇票
11: bill of lading   提单
12: bill of lading copy   副本提单
13: bill of lading original   正本提单
14: booking confirmation   订舱确认
15: bordereau   公路运输货物清单
16: calling foward notice   要求交货通知
17: cargo declaration (arrival)   到港货物报关单
18: cargo declaration(departure)   离港货物报关单
19: cargo manifest   载货清单
20: certificate of origin   原产地证书
21: certificate of origin form GSP   普惠制原产地证书
22: certificate of origin, application for   原产地证书申请表
23: certificate of registry   船舶登记证书
24: charges note   铁路费用单
25: civil liability for oil certificate   油污民事责任书
26: combined transport bill of lading/multimoda bill of lading   多式联运提单
27: combined transport document.nbsp(generic)   联运单证(通用)
28: container manifes (unit packing list)   集装箱载货清单
29: control document.nbspT5   T5管理单证(退运单证)(欧共体用)
30: cosular invoice   领事发票
31: cover note   承保单
32: crew's effects declaration   国人员物品申报
33: customs deciaration (post parcels)   邮包报关单
34: customs declaration with commercial and item detail   有商业和项目细节的报关单
35: customs declaration without commercial detail   无商业细节的报关单
36: customs declaration without item detail   无项目细节的报关单
37: customs delivery note   海关放行通知
38: customs immediate release declaration   海关即刻放行报关单
39: customs invoice   海关发票
40: dangerous goods declaration   危险货物申报单
41: declaration of origin   原产地申明
42: delivery notice (goods)   交货通知
43: delivery notice(rail transport)   铁路运输交货通知
44: delivery order   提货单
45: delivery verification certificate   交货核对证明
46: despatch note (post parcels)   邮递包裹投递单
47: despatch note model T1   T1出口单证(内部转运报关单)(欧共体用)
48: despatch note model T2   T2出口单证(原产地证明书)
49: despatch note model T2L   T2L出口单证(原产地证明书)(欧共体用)
50: despatch note moder T   T出口单证(海关转运报关单)(欧共体用)
51: document.nbspresponse (Customs)   海关公文回复
52: document.ry credit amendment   跟单信用证更改单
53: document.ry credit amendment notification   跟单信用证更改通知书
54: document.ry credit transfer advice   跟单信用证转让通知
55: EC carnet   欧共体海关转运报关单
56: embargo permit   禁运货物许可证
57: empty container bill   空集装箱提单
58: end use authorization   最终使用授权书
59: error response (Customs)   海关误差回复
60: escort official recognition   押运正式确认
61: EUR 1 certificate of origin   EUR1欧共体原产地证书
62: exchange control declaration (import)   进口外汇管理申报
63: exchange control declaration, exprot   出口结汇核销单
64: export licence   出口许可证
65: export licence, application   出口许可证申请表
66: financial statement of account   帐户财务报表
67: foreign exchange permit   调汇许可
68: forwarder's advice to exporter   货运代理给出口商的通知
69: forwarder's advice to import agent   货运代理给进口代理的通知
70: forwarder's bill of lading   货运代理人提单
71: forwarder's certificate of receipt   货运代理收据证明
72: forwarder's certificate of transport   货运代理人运输证书
73: forwarder's invoice   货运代理发票
74: forwarder's warehouse receipt   货运代理人仓库收据
75: forwarding instructions   货运说明
76: freight invoice   运费发票
77: freight manifest   载货运费清单
78: gate pass   通行证
79: general response (Customs)   海关一般回复
80: goods control certificate   货物监管证书申请表
81: goods declaration for customs transit   海关转运货物报关单
82: goods declaration for exportation   出口货物报关单
83: goods declaration for home use   内销货物报关单
84: goods declaration for implortation   进口货物报关单
85: goods receipt   货物收据
86: goods receipt, carriage   承运人货物收据
87: government contract   政府合同
88: handling order   装卸单
89: house bill of lading   全程提单
90: house waybill   全程运单
91: import licence   进口许可证
92: import licence, application for   进口许可证申请表
93: inland waterway bill of lading   内河提单
94: inspection certificate   商品检验证书
95: insurance certificate   保险凭证
96: insurance declaration sheet (bordereau)   保险申报单(明细表)
97: insurance policy/certificate   保险单
98: insurer's invoice   保险人发票
99: intrastat declaration   国际贸易统计申报单
100: letter of indemnity for non-surrender of bill of lading   无提单提货保函
101: loadline document.免于除鼠证书 derat document. 载重线证书
102: maritime declaration of health   航海健康证书
103: master air waybill   主空运单
104: master bill of lading   主提单
105: mate's receipt   大副据
106: multimodal transport document.nbsp(generic)   多式联运单证(通用)
107: multimodal/combined transport document.nbsp(generic)   多式联运单证(通用)
108: non-negotiable maritime transport document.nbsp(generic)   不可转让的海运单证(通用)
109: notice of circumstances preventing delvery (goods)   无法交货的通知
110: notice of circumstances preventing transport (goods)   无法运货通知
111: packae response (Customs)   海关一揽子回复
112: passenger list   乘客名单
113: phytosanilary certificate   植物检疫证书
114: port charges document. 港口费用单
115: preference certificate of origin   优惠原产地证书
116: promissory note   本票
117: quota prior allocation certificate   配额预分配证书
118: rail consignment note (generic term)   铁路托运单(通用条款)
119: receipt (Customs)   海关收据
120: recharging document. 分段计费单证
121: regional appellation certificate   地区名称证书
122: related document   有关单证
123: remittance advice   汇款通知
124: re-sending consigment note   铁路运输退运单
125: road cosignment note   公路托运单
126: road list-SMGS   陆运单
127: safety of equipment certificate   设备安全证书
128: safety of ship certificate   船舶安全证书
129: sanitary certificate   卫生检疫证书
130: sea waybill   海运单
131: shipping note   托运单
132: ship's stores declaration   船用物品申报单
133: single administrative document. 欧共体统一单证
134: statement of account message   帐户报表报文
135: statistical document. import   进口统计报表
136: statistical doucument, export   出口统计报表
137: substitute air waybill   分空运单
138: tanker bill of lading   油轮提单
139: tax calculation /confirmation response (Customs)   海关计税/确认回复
140: tax declaration (general)   普通税申报单
141: tax declaration (value added tax)   增值税申报单
142: tax demand   催税单
143: through bill of lading   直达提单
144: TIF form   TIF国际铁路运输报关单
145: TIR carnet   TIR国际公路运输报关单
146: universal (multipurpose) transport document. 通用(多用)运输单证
147: value declaration   货物价值申报清单
148: veterinary certifieate   动物检疫证书
149: warehouse warrant   入库单
150: waybill   运单

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    • 要想学好英语,那就要掌握英语的听,说,读,写,译几个方法。很多小伙伴认为最难的就是翻译题型,这也是考试中最不好拿分的题型。下面,翻译公司给大家介绍几种英语翻译常用的方法,大家可以作为学习的参考。  一.省译法  这是与增译法相
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